Happy Anniversary, Toni and H! xoxo
Ten years ago last week, my Roomie and I vowed to love, honour, and respect each other, and have wild monkey lovin' for the rest of our lives.
Okay, Roomie added the "wild monkey lovin'".
Fine, I lied. *I* added the "wild monkey lovin'".
And like good scotch, our relationship just gets better with age... smoother, richer, tastier. Over the years, we've grown closer and more in love. Yeah, it's possible. Huh. Whodathunkit, eh?!
Word on the street is that happy-10-year-marriages are a rare breed and must be celebrated with a renewal of vows, perhaps a second honeymoon, or maybe at least a backyard barbecue.
But we did none of those. Why? Well, it went down like this...
Last year...
Me: Next year's the big 10. Should we renew?
Roomie: What?
Me: Our vows.
Roomie: Meh.
Me: Yeah, me too. Okay.
January 2010...
Me: Our anniversary's coming up. What do you want to do?
Roomie: I don't know.
Me: I was thinking we could have friends over.
Roomie: Sure.
Me: Okay.
April 2010...
Me: We can't have people over with the bathroom not done.
Roomie: Over for what?
Me: Our anniversary.
Roomie: Oh. Okay. Cafe Carlo then?
Me: I was thinking we should celebrate with the kids this year, you know, since it's a big one.
Roomie: Okay.
May 26, 2010...
Me: So, where do you want to go for dinner tomorrow?
Roomie: The kids won't eat anything at Cafe Carlo.
Me: Yeah.
Roomie: I don't know.
Me: Okay.
And that was the extent of our planning.
In the end, no renewal of vows, no barbecue at our house with friends. We didn't even have that romantic fancy-schmancy dinner at Cafe Carlo that we've done on previous anniversaries.
Instead, we ordered in some butter chicken, veggie korma, and naan...

... enjoyed the richest, most luscious flour-free chocolate cake...

... and celebrated our big milestone anniversary with our 2 favourite people,...

... and it was perfection.
Happy 10th Anniversary, my darling Roomie! I love you!