Delurk for Haiti.

It's here! It's Delurker Day! It's the time of year where we bloggers beg harass threaten invite all of you, our dear readers to come out and say "hi!".

Whether you're new to this blog (welcome!), are a die-hard commenting fan, or are a die-hard fan but have always been too shy to say anything, please make your presence known!

You can let me know what you have planned for today, tell me which Life Candy post is your favourite, or just say "Yo!". It doesn't matter -- just do it!

And this year, to add some extra warm-fuzzies and do-goodness to Delurker Day, for every comment left on this post, I will donate $1 to relief efforts for the earthquake victims in Haiti.

Updated: Where will I be donating the money?
I will be giving the money to SOS Children's Village's Haiti Emergency Appeal. My family and I sponsor an SOS Children's Village in Cape Verde near Africa, and we are impressed with their efforts to help families and children worldwide. Any donation given to SOS Children's Village will be matched dollar for dollar by the Canadian Federal Government. So, that's where the money's going!

Want to really celebrate Delurker Day?! Then you totally need to visit the truly awesome blogs of the fabulous Rougie, AndreAnna, and Cass who are also donating to Haiti.

So, PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!! Tweet, comment, and blog! Tell everyone what we're doing for Delurker Day, and send them over. Let's do what we can to help.

Thanks to my girl Rougie at Chez Rougie for the fabulous 'Delurk for Haiti' idea, to Chris at Rude Cactus for the Delurker Day heads up, and to Aimee at Greeblemonkey for the lovely Delurk Day art.


  1. Very cool idea.

    Also, I think my cat would totally enjoy the cot toy Mini made, very crafty.

  2. Hey there, nice to be here, though it's not my first time, and this is an awesome deal. I may have to steal the idea.

    btw, my word verification is 'proof,' which, you know, is just kinda interesting.

  3. Awesome! Today is going to be crazy but it's good!

  4. Yo! Nah...just kidding. Thanks for playing. The power of the Internets is GOOD STUFF!!! xo

  5. Great idea. Today I'm trying to get my butt onto the treadmill. I was should have gone on yesterday but was a little under the weather.

    Hope this "delurks" me!


  6. This is such a fantastic idea - thank you for doing it!

  7. If I was a lurker I would have delurked to day!

    Great idea!

  8. I'm new here, but I think what you all are doing is great! I plan on sticking around.

  9. Thanks for doing this with us!

  10. Great idea. I did this last year for a cause on my birthday!

  11. Great idea! Have retweeted you on my feed to get more people involved!

  12. What a fantastic idea! Delurking, hi!

    I've RT it on my feed as well.

  13. Can't wait to meet you!!

  14. Hello there - nice to meet you. I like the idea that you will donate a dollar for every comment.
    Have yourself a wonderful day:)

  15. Delurking! Thank you for doing this!

  16. Awesome idea...definitely worth leaving a comment
    ~ Deanna

  17. Yo! Found my way over via someone's tweet...thank you for doing this.

  18. photomama7914 January, 2010

    Hey Nenette! I love your blog. It makes me further appreciate the humor in my own life. You are awesome!

  19. Delurking (I read your blog via the collected SV MOMS feed) to help generate those donations for Haiti - way to go!

  20. I love seeing folks using delurking for a good cause!

  21. Yo. What a wonderful idea. Happy Delurking Day.

  22. Delurkification happening!

  23. Happy Delurking Day! What am I doing? Backing up our gigantic collection of digital photos. weeeeee!

  24. I love the new cat toy!!! I think your delurk for Haiti is pretty awesome also.

  25. this is my first time here, nice to meet you! I came through from AndreAnna :)

  26. Nice one! Where are you giving your donation?

  27. Yo yo yo! Friend of Rougie's, saying hi!

  28. Here I am. Officially delurking!

  29. Thanks for helping!

  30. Delurking for a good cause.

    Right. We're good? OK, back to lurking then. :)

  31. Leanne Andrews14 January, 2010

    Ok ... this is a worthy cause so I will leave a note to say I read your blog today! I actually read it quite often... and really enjoy your writing. Keep it up :)!

  32. Well done Nenette!

  33. Thank you soo much for this!! You rock!!!

  34. Delurk Day - d'oh. You finally rooted me out of my virtual hole; oh well, it's for a good cause.
    Viva Life Candy!

  35. Hi! Thank you for helping those in so much need.

  36. So I'm not exactly a lurker, but I thought I better swing by anyhow and check in!

    Wonderful idea to support the Haiti efforts, and I hope many more delurk here for the occasion!

  37. Smeagol doesn't like the light... but your quest is too, uh, precious to ignore...


  38. How are the people in Haiti doing?

    Say hi to L for me.


  39. Thank you for helping the people and I love you and thank you for stopping the houses moving and I want my house to move.


  40. hey nenette this is a great idea.
    and i hadnt seen your blog before. it makes me laugh :)
    keep it up!
    ♥ lauren , your some-kind-of-relative...
    - maybe we'll bump into each other at starbucks again one day !

  41. I'm here! As usual! Go girl... Great thing to do.... Peace. xo

  42. I had to chuckle at all the anonymous delurkers. Isn't that one of them oxymorons? :-D

    captcha word = bucklo

    WTF is a bucklo??? Not even Google knows apparently.

  43. I enjoy reading your blog. I thoroughly enjoyed your answers to the interview you did for me. Keep up your great work. I love it especially when you are sassy.

  44. I'm here! Not usually a lurker, I just am slow making the blog rounds :)

  45. Where's the shred update? Everyone want to know if your arms reattached themselves after they fell off!

  46. I'm new here. I'm sure the people of Haiti appreciate your generosity. I hope you get lots of comments.

  47. Pat Robertson can leg press 2000 lbs.

  48. What's my favorite Life Candy post? This one! Great to meet you and thank you so much for donating to the Haitian relief efforts! From another SVMB writer in Chicago.

  49. Stopping by from SITS!

    That's awesome that you're participating in supporting Haiti. Good luck!

  50. YO! :)
    I'll check the other blogs too!

    Couple of days ago I posted about Save the Children, pls check it out.

    Sunny greetings from Cairo!

    ps. I'll tweet this post...

  51. Thank is really nice!!

  52. Goodness, has delurker day rolled round again already? I'm sure I remember it from last year (when I was a brand-shiny-new blogger!)

  53. Love this idea. And it's for a good cause too =)

  54. Assuming you've got an up-limit, or a deadline date, but just thought I'd comment like I would have if I had been near a computer this weekend.

    You're awesome! Not just because of this, but this gives me the chance to say! <3

  55. Hey how wonderful of you, way to go Nenette! xo
