I'm Nenette, an island girl living on the Canadian Prairie, and founder of LifeCandy.net!

In 2007, I started Life Candy to chronicle my various adventures, thoughts, and tips on life improvement and personal growth as I navigate my sweet life with my little funny family.

Over the years, the kids have grown up, and so have I. So I decided to leave this little online home with all the love and memories packed in each post, and start fresh. I have no plans on taking this blog down so if you ever need a good laugh, head over.

Where am I now? I'm at www.nenettemayor.com, of course!

There, you'll get stories of me redesigning my life as a woman entering a new phase of her life... with bigger versions of the characters in this blog. 
So, yes, you'll still get the occasional story or two of my family so you know that I haven't eaten my still-adorable children or left my scientist-guy husband for any one of my pretend boyfriends.

Roomie, Mini, Lam, and me

So, whether you jump over to the new digs or park yourself here for a spell, grab a cup of tea/moscato/tequila, wrap yourself up in your favourite blanket/parka/person, and enjoy!

I'm so happy you're here!


email: nenette@nenettemayor.com
text: 204.963.1622
  • Who I live with: my scientist-guy husband, our 2 brilliant teens, and 2 cats in need of therapy.
  • Where I live: East End of the Canadian Prairie, 'Peg City, Manitoba. 
  • On the outside, I am a: HOT HULA fitness® instructor, life coach in training, lifestyle writer, and recovering software design engineer.
  • On the inside, I am an: Essentialist, plant-based keto fanatic, proud dance mom, and believer in the power of positive thinking.
  • Celebrity BFF: Tom Hiddleston (We would have a TON of laughs!)
  • Meyers Briggs: INFJ 
  • Enneagram: 9 wing 1
  • Favourite Breakfast: 2 fried eggs
  • Guilty Pleasure: McDonald's French Fries
  • 100 Things about Me.

    Why "Life Candy"?
    You know how eye candy is "a treat for the eye"? Yeah, like that, except replace "for the eye" with "for life". Life treats. Things that make life sweet -- you know, life candy.
    Also, as I mentioned, my childhood nickname is 'Candy', so it's very personal to me.
    Nicknames are a big Filipino thing. Everyone had to have a nickname. I'm just thankful I wasn't called 'Bong-Bong', 'Jhet-Jhet', or 'Wheng-Wheng'... which are actual nicknames of my cousins.