mama loves friends, firefly & her super-groovy family

Hold on to your hats, folks, for this is my Mother's Day post. Before you get all judgy judgerson on me for being so late, I'll have you know I was busy writing my latest article for the Canada Moms Blog on my non-love of camping.

Okay, anyway, Mother's Day...
The first words I heard that morning came from my little Mini saying "Happy Mother's Day, Mama" in her sleepy little voice without Daddy reminding her. OMG, what an awesome start to my day!

The awesomeness continued when my wee-ones harassed Daddy -- instead of their lounging-on-the-couch-with-cup-o'-green-tea-watching-Fringe-and-Supernatural-and-Smallville Mommy -- for stuff like juice, food, and treats.

Oh yes! And while they showered their dad with "bring us stuff" duties, they showered me with hugs, kisses, and these...

DVDs, a beauiful plant holder made by a creative little artist, and a special story written by a special author. And I was just expecting chocolate! Woohoo!

The DVDs were the BIG surprise, because when I told Roomie, "I'd love to have Friends Season 1", I wrongly assumed he was thinking of math or sandwiches and NOT listening to me.

And as for Firefly, he's my Roomie. He read the post. He knows that Nathan Fillion would be the perfect appetizer. Lip smackin', covered-in-honey-and-berries kind of appetizer, all drippy and gooey. Yum.

Dang these hot dudes for making me digress again! Anyway...

For lunch, Roomie and the kids dropped me off at Sushi-Ya for some mommy-time-alone sushi lunch on their way to see Gramma.

Where I ate the awesome Flower Roll you see here.
And a huge sashimi boat you don't see here because I'd forgotten the camera at home.

Afterward, I walked over to Starbucks for a Mocha Frap and some twilaxin'.

Back at home, after some gardening in the frontyard, I was treated to an all-girls' picnic for dinner by my sweet little girl. Yeah, all-in-all, awesome.

Okay, NOW, I'm ready to put this year's Mother's Day to bed.

Night-night, Mom's Day... see ya next year! :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Mother's day, it sounds like it was perfect! :)
