what the *aych-ee-double-hockey-sticks* are you doing here?

Many thanks to Su, harmzie, Cyndi, Marko-Ruckus, SnowBear, Toni, and wyliekat, who responded to my invitiation to stand up and say 'yo' on Delurking Day. You guys ROCK!

Now, I KNOW there are more of you out there. Really. My Sitemeter.com tells me so. My over 30,000 unique views this week wasn't all me! Really.

As you can see, there's a new poll on my sidebar. Now the reason for that is to find out exactly why you read LifeCandy. What do I write about that keeps you coming back?

You can choose more than one answer. And, yes, you can stay anonymous. Plus, it's FR*EE! So, please vote. :)

Deadline: January 31, 2009.

"But, dear Nenette, you who are so cute and adorable, why do you want to know?"

Mainly curiosity. But I also want to know which of my personal life-improvement topics to blog more about: Becoming more green? Simplifying my environment? Living more organically/naturally? Getting and staying fit and healthy? Eating well? All of them?

In addition to the family and "girls' night out" stuff, of course. ;)

You still reading? Go on. Vote.


  1. I just love ya sweetie... and my niece and nephew too .... now for that guy you call "Hubbie" (or whatever) I'm still not too sure :))

    Salk Toon ...gawd, my dyslexia is acting up again ! Mayor of Almonte

  2. My mother said,
    to get things done,
    you better not mess with
    Mayor Tom!
