full on Christmas: part 2

And now, the conclusion...

December 19:  Harmzie's Annual Christmas Party 

With my sister watching the kids, Roomie and I made our way down the block to Harmzie and Max's house, where we spent a lovely night with our old friends LRM, dee, Sly & Mr. Sly, and several other friends too cool for Twitter and FB.

The teetotaler (me) wasn't a very good teetotaler -- I had an almost-paralyzer and some of Max's famous egg nog.  So, I was completely hosed.
Oh, and I ate way more of Harmzie's so-yummy-they-should-be-illegal deviled eggs than I'd ever had in the history of Harmzie's parties... and they've been hosting these things for years!

Thanks for another fabulous party, my dear!

December 20:  Mini's Dance School Christmas Show

At the Pantages Playhouse Theatre.  The curtain opened, the spotlight came on, and as the music started, 4 little girls on stage started to dance.  And as I watched backstage, my heart filled with so much love and pride it felt ready to burst.
You see, Mini was one of those little girls, and this was her very first performance in front of a crowd.  She did beautifully, showing not even a smidge of nervousness or fear (I was with her the entire time as their group's volunteer Mom), despite the huge audience where her Daddy, big bro Lam, and her aunt Tita watched too.

After the show, happy and exhausted, Mini came home... and promptly threw up.  It could've been nerves, not having eaten for most of the day, or a bug.  Not sure.  We'll find out for sure after her recital in June.

December 23:  Nuttall/Richardson Christmas Party

Every 23rd of December, Sly (that's her in green) and her hubby Mr. Sly (not shown) host a Christmas Party for all and sundry.
I'm one of the sundry.
It's a big event -- for kids too -- and we always have a blast.  There's always plenty of wine, spinach balls, bison balls, pumpkin cheese cake, and all sorts of other treats.  As well as in appropriate ass pictures and staring at meat.  Yeah, you had to be there.  And you should be... next year.  Tell 'em, Nen sent ya!  ;)

December 25:  Family Christmas - Roomie's Bro's house

After the usual Christmas morning mayhem of opening presents and setting up new games, dollies and baby cradles, we went to Roomie's big brother's house -- he's actually the middle brother, but with Roomie as the youngest brother, everyone's the big brother.

Anyway, we had fab time with a lovely mom-in-law, siblings, turkey, mashed potatoes, a nephew, a niece, niece's lovey-loverson boyfriend, broccoli/cheese casserole, sweet carrots, and too many cookies and treats.

Oh, and wine.  You can't forget the wine.

December 26:  Family Christmas - Nen's Sister comes over

Tita is my big sister, and she and my BIL Tito came over on Boxing Day to have Christmas dinner.  It was probably the best *my-side-of-the-family* dinner I've ever had!
I made pineapple glazed ham, mashed potatoes, steamed carrots, and stir-fried beans.  Then we had a trifle for dessert.  We wiped our faces with Sleeping Beauty 'Aurora' napkins left unused from Mini's 5th Birthday party.  How very regal of us, eh?!
Anyway, Tita and Tito gave Lam a Bakugan 7-in-1 Drago toy, and Mini a Baby Sleeping Beauty 'Aurora' dolly that fit perfectly in the baby cradle Roomie and I got her for Christmas.
Mini has to be careful however, as her baby's cradle tends to get hijacked from time to time by another baby of hers.  I don't think she really minds though...

Hope your Holiday Season was a lovely as ours!


  1. You guys make me almost want to move to Canada so I can go to your parties.


  2. Looks like you all had so much fun!!

  3. Merry Christmas, I love that you fit in some family time! the cat is a hoot!
