the great invasion of summer 2009: week 1...

I'm sick. Again.
Not only do I feel like crap, I also know I'll move even further and further away from my dreams of bikini-hood.
Oh, you don't know? When I get sick, I eat. It's all really gross and horrendous. Truly.

Well, at least, my illness had the good sense and courtesy to hit AFTER we met up with family and friends. Although I think the busy month of constant dining out, plus the heavy Canadian Prairie Monsoons of 2009, may have pushed me a little faster into the sick bed.

Anyway, yeah, lots of friends and family. Luckily, they came one after the other, because I don't know what I'd do if we had to entertain them one on top of the other.

Or maybe I would... Heh, heh, heh.

Ahem. Anyway...

July 13 - Roomie's Sis and BIL

Roomie's sister and brother in law are a lovely couple, who came into town via train and ate falafels with us. Before they left, we enjoyed a big beautiful family BBQ at their brother Les' home.

This is Mini pressing her face into the screen at Les' deck during the BBQ. I'm not entirely sure why she's doing that. She might be just trying stuff. I don't know.

July 15 - The Dutch Descend

Okay, they're really more Canadian than Dutch, but because they live in The Netherlands, I'm sticking to my title. Yo! Anyway, our dear old friends from Engineering/Martini Nights/and so much more -- Casey, Kate, and their little ones -- came to town for a visit.

They, along with Harmzie and her brood (sans Max) and us, of course, gathered at our friends Mark & Sly's house, and it was like old times. While all our kids screamed and laughed, we adults "wined" and laughed. It was awesome.

I'd put a picture here of us, but I can't find one. I don't think we took any pictures... or maybe we were too drunk to do it.

July 16 - Cyndi and Mini-C

This was fun and sweet and lovely. If you didn't get a chance to read about this event, just go here.

July 18 - Zandra and the Wedding of the Year

The new Mr. & Mrs. Flores sure know how to throw a party! Reach back into the past to read about the drunken debauchery.

Okay, that's it for Week 1. Relatively tame. Stay tuned for Week 2 and the crazy sushi fest therein!


  1. YAY! for having people come see you! We just got home from the island today.

  2. You forgot your camera. Well, we all did, but you were the one who said "Oh crap! I forgot my camera!"

    Sometimes a fun night just has to live on in your memory (sometimes, it's better that way for all involved, but this wasn't one of THOSE times). It certainly was a fun night.

  3. @kyooty: hang on for week 2!

    @harmzie: oh, okay, thanks. I guess I was too drunk to recall. teehee... It was a very good night. :)

  4. Feel better honey- I'm more than happy to send over soup :)

  5. @Princess: Thanks so much, sweets :) I'm doing much better today. Even managed a trip to the Planetarium and Touch the Universe... although, now I'm totally pooped. LOL

  6. You got together with Harmzie?! LOVE Harmzie! :) Too bad you forgot your camera....! Bad blogger, BAD!

  7. @Haley-O: Isn't Harmzie simply lovely?! I LOVE her to bits too. :) Wish I did have my camera. It was one of those nights that really reminded me of the old days... when we used to all go out for martinis every other friday... before we had kids... before we had blogs. :)
