What event was this? you may ask. Well, you'll have to ask him yourself. I'm still confused by all of it.
It was tough enough for me to deal with a food item (fish/seafood) that would kill him to eat, let alone one that he voluntarily decided to avoid.
I recall struggling with trying to make meals (do you have any idea how many dishes call for tomatoes?!), ordering at restaurants, and ugh, don't remind me of the time we had to pick a meal for our wedding reception!
Friends thought it was weird and random, but in time, we all got used to it. Oh, the mocking continued, but they were accepting and supportive.
Anyway, so, yeah, I was very happy when he decided to start eating tomatoes again.
This year, as we put our veggie and flower gardens to bed for the Winter, I found it hard to believe we even went through a tomato-free phase.
Roomie's veggie garden is pretty much ALL TOMATOES! The small exceptions are a few carrots and beets. But the rest? Tomatoes.
See the picture up there? That was our first crop of the season. Our freezer is filled with the rest of the season's harvest. I don't recall the name of this type of tomato. I think they're like a grape tomato, very sweet, pick-off-the-vine-and-eat-while-strolling kind of sweet.
Here's a recipe for a tasty simple sauce I make with them. It's Roomie's favourite. Because it has meat, I don't eat any, but it smells amazing!
2 mild Italian sausages
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 cups tomatoes
Squeeze meat out of the sausage casings, and cook in a pot, mashing until the meat is brown. Throw in the onions and garlic, and saute until onions are translucent. Throw in the tomatoes, and stir scraping up the browned meat at the bottom. Cover and let simmer for about 10 minutes.
Serve over pasta.
yumm... I think we've done something like that but I can't recall when. I think it's time - soon! And now there's a recipe.