10 Reasons Why I Blog

The Domestic Diva challenged her readers to post why they blog. Who am I to turn down this challenge? :)
Besides, many of you, my readers, may be curious - especially my Real Life friends who might be wondering why their usually private friend has opened her doors, bared her bum, and is airing out her laundry - albeit clean and sweet smelling! :)

In turn, I challenge all of my readers with blogs to post their reasons too.
If you do, be sure to let me know in the comments here so we can come and find out why you blog.

Okay, in no particular order, here we go...

1: I blog to express myself creatively.
I design my blog's layout, pick the pictures from outside sources, showcase photos I take, and be as funny (or unfunny) as I want to be. I create something out of nothing from the crap in my head.

2: I blog for the money.
Okay, not a heck of a lot happening in that department right now, but I am experimenting with blog monetization, trying not to turn off my readers or be an ad-whore. I would truly love to make this my fulltime work especially when the kids start all-day school.

3: I blog to be with the most important people in my life.
Blogging helps me connect with the outside world (whenever I want to), while I am physically at home with my kids watching them grow up.

4: I blog to meet people from all over the world.
I've met the most interesting people online through lifecandy and via twitter. I'm happy to call some of them friends.
Also, I firmly believe that learning about others in other countries helps you appreciate other cultures including your own.

5: I blog to be my own movie star.
I've always wanted to have my own IMDB page. Unless I find myself with a successful showbiz career, this is the closest I'll ever get to that dream. :)

6: I blog to document my life.
I used to journal in real life, and I've documented my kids' development too. I like looking back at old entries and revisiting memories. Since I type faster than I write, this is considerably easier and just makes sense.

7: I blog to satisfy my nerd side.
As my friend harmzie likes to say to me, "once a nerd, always a nerd". She's right. I still love to program. I think I always will. And with my blog, I can flex my coding chops. I just have to figure out when to stop!

8: I blog to practice my writing skills.
I used to write short story erotica. Now, you won't find that kind of material on this blog, but I want to practice and improve the skill of translating my thoughts to words, so when I get back to that kind of writing, it should be easier.

9: I blog to share with others the stuff I like.
This is to give people more insight into what goes on in my head and heart, as well as how I like to live my life. And hopefully, this will also help with #2 above.

10: I blog to prove mainly to myself that, including "Mommy", I am many other things.
This is one of the reasons why I don't just write about parenting. I have other aspects of me, and by living more-than-a-mommy life, I can remind myself of those other sides... and generate writing material at the same time!

Okay, now you! :)


  1. Anonymous03 May, 2008

    Definitely not 2, haven't been offered and it would be a headache to not use all the "non commercial" cc content...

    Not 3 either, none of my friends & family participate on the blog

    Everything else, yes yes yes yes definitely.


  2. Anonymous04 May, 2008

    Those are a lot of good reasons to blog! :)

  3. That is a great list Nenette. Blogging provides a lot of the same benefits for me as well.

    Keep up the wonderful work!

  4. @Richard Walker -
    oh, I don't mean my family actively participate on my blog... although I do talk about them from time to time.

    What I meant was that I am lucky to be able to do something that I can do at home with my family. Not many jobs allow one to do that!

    @zandria -
    thanks! It was a real exercise thinking about them though... I've never put those thoughts into words. They're more like feelings really.

    @jen -
    thanks, Jen! :)
