When I lived in Hawai'i, I really enjoyed Fridays. Instead of dressing casually, people all over the Islands put on their best Aloha shirts and muu-muus, beautiful flower leis, and hair flowers (left side for married, right side for singles), and we celebrated the island culture.
And of course, in every store and mall, you'll hear the fun-loving rendition of "It's Aloha Friday - No Work Till Monday...." Fun and festive!
Inspired once again by
Zandria and her Random Friday posts, lifecandy will also have its own
"It's Aloha Friday!" posts of random interesting, bizarre, noteworthy, etc. things I've come across throughout the week. This will only happen from time to time, depending on how interesting my life is on a given week. :)
Okay... Here we go...
Jami of Bionic Beauty will be on Blog Talk Radio TODAY at 2pm! To catch it, visit the Loose Lips NY radio site at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/looselipsny. And to call in, dial (646) 716-8862.
Some really great friends of ours, Rob (who was one of Roomie's groomsmen) and the lovely Val, have left for Oahu for some R&R and sightseeing. Yes, I'm envious... I wish I could've gone too... They didn't even offer to stash me in their luggage! What friends!!! :) Seriously, they're fabulous, and I hope they have a great time. They've promised to bring back a bag of poi powder for us... so, yay! Can't wait to see the pictures. :)
The stray cat we found in December - who we named "Neo", but according to the tattoo on his ear, is actually "Mustachio" - will have to find a new home in a couple of weeks. He is seriously skittish and twitchy, and has scratched our frightened children more times than I can count. He was the answer to our prayers when we had the mouse in our kitchen, but when it comes down to "Who goes? The cat or the kids?", well, my kids don't shed as much. We made posters and put them up this week...
Roomie and I took the kids to an Ethiopian restaurant for dinner a few days ago. They just ate the injera (bread used to scoop up the meat and veggie stews), but they liked it!
I've called Goodwill for another pick-up. They're coming to get our boxes of stuff on Tuesday... Woo Hoo!!!
Yay! I like being an inspiration. :)