10 blogs to read when you want your life to suck less

I'm a freak -- a freak, I tell you! -- when it comes to life-designing/life-improvement. I know, you can tell, right? Because I'm so organized, eco-savvy, and my house is the epitome of simple style? Yeah, I wish that were true.

Anyway, I'm trying -- OMG, I'm trying! -- even if it is just to get ideas and maybe dream, but the lure of CSI:NY and frickin' Twitter, oh, and the need to go to the bathroom once in a while, are such inconvenient distractions.

Luckily, when I do pull myself away from the tv, laptop, and toilet, I can get the job done real quick-like thanks to my 10 Fave Life-Improvement Blogs. Check it...

1: Green is Sexy - Love the practical green tips from 3 gals who practice what they preach... oh, and one of them is Rachel McAdams... squee! :)
Check out: bosom buddies.

2: Re-Nest - Learning to eco-redesign my house... from big projects to small ones
Check out: Look! A Clean Kitchen

3: Ideal Bite - I eat up the newsletters with links to eco-smart products and services... frickin' EAT. THEM. UP.
Check out: Who cut it?

4: G Living - Dark/slick green living sexified... and we all know everything is better sexified
Check out: Stroh Haus | Modern Day Straw House

5: Casa Sugar - Gives me ideas on how to make my house FABULOUS
Check out: Railroad Tie Dining Table and Chairs

6: clean+istry - Clean - Yes; Germs - No
Check out: 5 Essential Cleaning Items for the Holidays

7: Zen Habits - Hey, Life! Take that, and that!... Hack, hack, hack...
Check out: A Guide to Creating a Minimalist Home

8: Simple Mom - Easier for me to use than FlyLady... simple... for mom... hey, look at that!
Check out: Home Management Notebooks are a great idea

9: Unclutterer - Helps me get rid of crap in my house... and then organize the non-crap
Check out: Seven Benefits of Uncluttering

10: Tim Ferriss's 4-Hour Work Week - Helps me attack life... like a puma.
Check out: How to Lose 20lbs of fat in 30 days without doing any exercise

Oh, and the picture? It's a bunch of beautiful tulips Roomie got for being a super-awesome instructor. Then I "Effect"-ed the crap out of it... Likey? :)

This post is my contribution to Task #41: Your Top 10 Blog Faves of Shai's 52 Weeks of Blogging Community (yes, it's back!).


  1. I'm a HUGE Casa Sugar fan! I also read Pet Sugar and a few others. Best network ever!

  2. i like this list! i know ideal bite and regularly read zen habits but the other 8 links are new to me. i especially enjoyed checking out re-nest. thanks for sharing!

  3. @Kari:
    Oh, yeah, I love the Sugar network too. they seem to have everything covered!

    Glad you enjoyed it! And thanks again for the retweet :)
    Oh yeah, I LOVE re-nest; it's definitely one of my favourites!
