1. Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
1. Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages
I choose one of favourite erotica books, Bella's Blade by Georgia Angelis (Black Lace)
2. Open the book to page 123
Okay, check.
3. Find the fifth sentence
Hang on while I wade through the torrid smut... okay, here we are.
4. Post the next 3 sentences
Her many curves assaulted Dan's senses and he moaned, wondering whether it was possible to die of embarrassment and whether she could see him swelling hard in his breeches. 'Come in, by all means.'
She did and suddenly he wondered whether that had been a mistake.
5. Tag 5 people
Like Shai, I don't feel entirely comfortable about tagging people. I don't want anyone to feel obligated to participate, especially if they look at this kind of thing like a chain letter. But I will be tagging: Mrs. Mogul, Jen, Amy, Arturo, and Zandria.
If you choose to do the tag, let me know! If not, that's okay too - just consider this a bit of link love!
You are clearly reading more interesting fare than me.
ReplyDeleteMy "nearest" (I chose "to my bed" as my initial point of reference, since that's where I usually read and that's where my books larger than 123 pages are) book was "Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook". After blowing a significant layer of dust off of it and considering to myself that "Handbook" was a very poor title choice, as it actually has its own climate, I opened it to page 123 and found various MS pontifications on various "essential" kitchen utensils, including a dissertation on candy thermometers vs meat thermometers & a bit on graters, Graters, GRATERS!
OK, next best book: bio on QE I. Page 123 happens to be the end of a chapter, so didn't have three sentences on it.
Next: "The Mathematics of Life" OMG. This is just getting worse...
Finally: Jane Jacobs "The Death & Life of Great American Cities". I think I'm on to something. Page 123: I did this last night, so I don't have the direct quotation, but it doesn't matter, since it was about declining neighbourhoods due to crack addiction, and the details of how that happens.
I'm coming to raid your library...
yikes! hurry over! you can borrow as many books as you like :)
ReplyDeleteI feel like Harmzie, my reading lacks steam! Can I borrow some of your books as well?
ReplyDelete"Autobiography of a Face," Lucy Grealy, p.123:
"I remembered being in second grade and looking out on a group of sixth-graders preparing for graduation. It had seemed like an unimaginable length of time before I'd get there. But now I was out there mingling in the courtyard, remembering the day when I laid my head down on the desk and announced to the teacher, "I'll never make it."
okay, jen, come on over! you can have a go at my book collection too :)
ReplyDeleteIt is always that way with taking risks.
ReplyDeleteTo put it differently, very often a risk is worth taking smply for the sake of taking it. There is something enlivening about expanding our self-definition, and a risk does exactly that.
p123 of The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron